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       In order for you to watch Televivion over the Internet specific software will need to be installed. There is many software programs available online which enable you to do this however the most widely used include Real Player, Windows Media Player and Quicktime. These programs are FREE and are easily downloadloadable from their respective manufacturer websites. They are also the main choice by a wide variaty of Internet Broadcasting stations around the world. Please read below to select, download and install the best player which best suits your needs. You may need to download more then one in order to receive and watch all Television stations.


      Real Player is one of the industry's leading media software for watching video over the Internet or Corporate Networks. You can choose from a wide variety of Real Player versions which are designed for Microsoft Windows, Macintosh, Linux or other Unix variants. Real Player plays many common media formats including Windows Media or Quicktime. This enables the users to pick and choose the media that they want to access, not the format or software.

To download Real Player please click here.


      The Microsoft Windows Media Player provides you with a perfectly consistent experience for playing video content online. The Windows Media format is one of the highest quality, most secure and comprehensive digital media formats available for playing video. It uses powerful audio and video compression technology which delivers unmatched audio and video quality at any bit rate. These featuers are designed to provide superior quality for dial-up connections, home-theater-like experiences over broadband connections.

To download Media Player please click here.


      QuickTime is a multi-platform, industry standard, multimedia software designed by Apple. It is widely used by software developers and hardare manufacturers alike to deliver synchronized video and music. The Quicktime player compresses video tightly without sacraficing any quality. It automatically determines the system�s connection speed and chooses the highest quality stream for the amount of bandwidth you have available. This produces astonising quality which is crisp, clear and impressivly saturated thus delivering enhancements for high-definition playback.

To download Quicktime please click here.

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